National Famine Commemoration Day T he 16-17 May is National Famine Commemoration Day, a time to remember all of those who died and suffered loss during An Gorta Mór . Normally, schools and sporting events would observe a minute's silence, but this year the commemoration will be observed in a more individual and personal way. Whatever the manner, it is important to reflect, remember, and honour those who died, and those who left Ireland to start a new life in another country. The following are reports from newspapers reporting on conditions during ‘Black 47’. We have again to make known to the public the devastating effects of famine, which is now carrying off by hundreds and thousands the doomed population of this country. The Nation, 26 January 1847 From every quarter of the country, we are literally besieged with the heart-rending particulars of the progress of famine. A respectable correspondent in the neighbourhood of Kilconly has communicated to ...